Do you feel “guilty” taking a day off work?Or, if you do take the day off and find yourself thinking about work and checking social media and emails?
When I was involved in sports we used the term “active recovery day” Instead of “day off”
Linguistically the term “day off” implies a waste of the day where we hear guilt-ridden expressions such as, “I should be doing something.”
The change in terminology was a game-changer. It was a day where we massively reduced the pace of life but seen it as a benefit to our end goal as we knew the batteries were being recharged for what lay ahead. A simple reframe that allowed us to focus on the long-term picture and therefore true high performance which is essentially above average results which are consistent over the long term. 
It’s something that I’m Implementing with busy business owners that I coach.
As counterintuitive as it may sound, sometimes in life we really do need to slow down, to speed up. It allows us to reflect on previous experiences and what we know is, the more reflective you are – the more effective you. Which brings me on to my next point. Any fool can be busy but there is a monumental difference between being busy and being effective and its effectiveness that leads to excellence. It’s during our active recovery days that we have an opportunity to detach, recalibrate, reflect and essentially increase our effectiveness moving forward. 
If this is something you struggle with, have an active recovery day instead of a day off. Go for a walk and listen to a podcast, take yourself out for lunch and read a book. See it as a day where you are out of the office but for good reason.
Speaking of which, If you would like an opportunity to increase your effectiveness and connect with like-minded business owners I am hosting an event on Tuesday evening, 21st November in the Balmoral Hotel, Belfast.  9 local business owners stand on stage and deliver a 3-minute pitch, telling you who they are, what they do and how they can help. With regular breakouts for authentic yet intentional networking, this is an opportunity not to miss.
You can avail of one of the few remaining tickets for an opportunity to connect, collaborate and grow on the link below
Get your tickets here