About Me

Ciaran May is a Mindset and Human Performance Coach with a healthy obsession for studying human behaviour and understanding people. To understand people, you first of course must understand yourself. Ciaran has been on an incredible journey of self-discovery for over a decade.

Ciaran May

Natural Resilience

A former International Powerlifter, Ciaran is now the owner and founder of a number of businesses including Natural Resilience, a company who’s mission statements reads, “to inspire others to live a better quality of life.”

Ciaran is trained and fully qualified as a Master Level N.L.P Practitioner (Neuro Linguistic Programming) as well as holding a diploma in Sports Psychology alongside being certified in other modalities such as Hypnosis, Time-Line Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and other holistic credentials such as being a fully qualified breathwork and meditation instructor.

Its with this knowledge and life experience combined that Ciaran utilises a unique approach to self-improvement, treating body, mind and soul for optimal performance.

Ciaran continues to work alongside some of Irelands best professional athletes and top performing businesses sharing his insights on human behaviour and the mind.

“I believe anyone and everyone can improve their quality of life and performance. I love working with people and helping them to find and express their potential. The human mind is capable of phenomenal things and we are just scraping the surface. In a sense there is no such thing as self-development, the self is perfect and that perfection is constaly seeking to express itself. Sometimes it’s a case of getting out of our own way and there are many simple techniques to facilitate this.”

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